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Living Health Chi


Our Vision

A core team of experienced Tai chi practitioners and qualified Tai Chi instructors along with high performance sports coaches, physcotherapists and award winning musical producers colaborated into creating this TAI FIT CHI ™ programme.

Our Mission

Ownership of ones health is a major step, Tai Fit Chi ™ participants have experienced a number of health benefits including a reduction in arthritic & Fibromyalgia pain, reduction in blood pressure, type 2 diabetes symptoms reduced, weight reduction, stress relief, enhanced immune system, better sleep, better mood, lower level of depression and anxiety, greater aerobic capacity, improved muscle strength, more energy, improved stamina, enhanced flexibility, core balance improvement reducing fall risk, reduction in PTSD symptoms, 

enhanced flexibility, balance, and agility thus fewer falls,  lower blood pressure and improved heart health and  reduced Inflammation.


What We Do

During your Tai Fit Chi ™ sessions you are transported to a calm meditative state as the ambient music used is proven to reduce anxiety and stress by up to 65% then during the movements your subconscious kicks into receive positive reassuring sublime messages through out the movements, the subconscious memory stores these safe feelings and emotions ready to be recalled in time of stress and when self soothing needs to occur. 

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